Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The American Culture

American culture became about sex at some point, I’m not sure when, I just know it did. It’s this strange obsession that lay underneath everything we once held dear. Watching TV? Extenze commercial. Watching a movie? Unnecessary sex scene. Radio? Moaning. Why should you wash yourself? For the ladies. Why apply cologne? Not so you smell nice but so you get sex. If you don’t have washboard abbs or big breasts no one will have sex with you and you’ll die alone. Why do you date? For sex, obviously. Marriage? So they’ll only have sex with you.


Maybe it was the sexual revolution that did it, maybe it was rap music, maybe it was cocaine or World War II, it is difficult to say any single thing that brought the culture here but it is here. I lament what has happened and acknowledge there is no way back. All I ask is that now that we know the things we do can and frequently will morph beyond the original intent we try to control where we go and try not to make things worse.

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